Facilitated by Marianne Gouveia and Greg Eckerman
Of all the pains that life can hand us, arguably the most searing is the loss of a child. During this weekend, just as Jesus joined his distraught disciples on the road to Emmaus, we pray for all of our parents and we ask Jesus to join us as we walk the horrendous journey of grieving our loss every day. EMMAUS Ministry for Grieving Parents is a unique ministry that serves the spiritual needs of grieving parents whose children of any age have died by any cause, no matter how long ago.
We focus on the promise of eternal life and the rich teachings of our faith to help these terribly broken parents. We ask questions such as:
Where is God in my pain?
Where is my child right now?
Why do I feel abandoned by God?
How could God let this happen?
The retreat is offered by grieving parents who have lost children of their own. We provide an opportunity for parents to gather in a sacred, warm, and compassionate space with others who know their pain. Many parents find peace and comfort, at least for a time. All faiths are welcome. For additional information, contact Eric’s Mom, Marianne Gouveia, at 602.549.8932.
Fee, including meals: Single Room $250; Commuter $135 per person.
Please email Lora at [email protected] for information on double rooms.
Pre-registration required.