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The Need to Grieve by Greg Eckerman

The Need to Grieve by Greg Eckerman

From earliest childhood we learn to avoid pain.  As we grow, we engage in the natural instinct to block pain and suffering – especially in the West, where we learn to seek rational structures for our emotions and control them. But grief after traumatic loss can’t be...
Lamenting Our Pain  by Marianne Gouveia

Lamenting Our Pain by Marianne Gouveia

Often when we lose someone we love we are encouraged to move quickly through our grief, to try to fix our pain, to try to avoid our deepest sorrows, and to “move on.”  Approaching our pain in these ways dishonors the love we share with our loved ones. While our...
The Challenge of Self-Forgiveness

The Challenge of Self-Forgiveness

Our “The Journey Onward” Men’s Group just finished our weekend retreat in Sedona. It was powerful, moving, and exhausting. We had decided as a group to make our focus self-forgiveness. That’s a pretty tall order for a weekend, but, as I’ve observed, a pretty common...
Self-Discovery by Marianne Gouveia

Self-Discovery by Marianne Gouveia

Throughout my journey of grief, I continue to explore parts of myself, my identity, my beliefs, my values, and my priorities. Loss lays out entirely new ways of thinking about the mysteries of life and death. We are irrevocably changed and faced with restoring balance...