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Teen Suicide- Go Behind the Headlines with Teen Lifeline

  COVID-19 has impacted our teenagers and calls to the National Suicide Prevention Hotline are up 600%.  Nikki Kontz, Clinical Director for Teen Lifeline, will go behind the headlines and share insights into what our teens are truly experiencing, and what you, as their parents, can do to ease their anxiety and support their new […]

Women’s Support Group for Suicide Loss Survivors

NEW SUPPORT GROUP FOR SUICIDE LOSS! MEETS WEEKLY FOR 12 WEEKS. NOVEMBER 4TH-JANUARY 20TH (Holiday weeks will be rescheduled at the group's convenience). WEDNESDAYS 4:30PM-6:00PM AZ TIME; 7:30PM-9:00 PM EST PRE-SCREENING TO ENSURE THIS GROUP IS A GOOD FIT FOR YOU: [email protected] REGISTER HERE Each group member will receive Understanding Your Suicide Grief book and […]

Grief During the Holiday Season-Virtual Support Group for Mothers Who Have Lost a Child

EricsHouse Support Group for Mothers creates a safe space for you to talk about your loss. This group is open to Mothers who have lost a child to suicide, substance abuse, homicide, illness or any sudden loss. Grieving the loss of someone you love is difficult at any time of year. During the holiday season, we […]

Grief During the Holiday Season-Virtual Support Group for Mothers Who Have Lost a Child

EricsHouse Support Group for Mothers creates a safe space for you to talk about your loss. This group is open to Mothers who have lost a child to suicide, substance abuse, homicide, illness or any sudden loss. Grieving the loss of someone you love is difficult at any time of year. During the holiday season, we […]